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To comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we must tell you what personal data we hold about you,

why we hold it and how it will be used.


We must also have your permission to retain your personal details and undertake to delete them if requested by you.

Any data we hold will be used only for purposes directly related to the activities and effective administrative running of NCWC 

and will not be provided to any other person, organisation or business for any other purposes, except where required by law.
Principals behind the NCWC Data Protection: 
. NCWC will comply with data protection law. Any personal information we hold about you will be:
     . Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way;
     . Collected only for valid purposes (as explained below) and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes;
     . Relevant to the purposes we have explained and limited only to those purposes;
     . Accurate and kept up to date;
     . Kept securely;
     . Kept only for as long as necessary, for the purposes we have told you about, and in accordance with our data retention policy (see 


Personal Data Held by NCWC:
For the efficient running of NCWC we may need to keep a record of the following:
     • Your name;
     • Your address;
     • Your home and/or mobile telephone number(s);
     • Your email address;
     • Your registered Kennel Club affix may also be required;
     • Your NCWC membership category: Single/Joint;
     • Your current or most recent year of NCWC membership;

Note: You are not obliged to provide the personal data in question.

However, if you do not provide such data, we will be unable to perform any contract we have with you for the provision of NWCW services.

NCWC Use of Personal Data:
NCWC will generally process your personal data in providing membership services and organizing events. We may also use personal information for additional relevant and related purposes where you might reasonably expect us to do so, where this is not outweighed by your own interests, fundamental rights or freedoms.

This may include:
     • Maintaining our records and other administrative purposes, including updating your details and preferences;
     • Contacting you with relevant information (e.g. show schedules) by mail, telephone or email;
     • Use of your personal data in annual Membership Lists;
     • Publication of your personal data and dog information in NCWC show/event catalogues;
     • Publication of show/event results on the NCWC website or other NCWC social media (FB) sites;
     • Administration and communications relating to judging lists and NCWC judging appointments;
     • Communications related to membership and invitations to participate in canine health studies;
     • Assistance with upholding our Society objectives and taking action in cases where there may be a breach of the NCWC Rules or


Codes of Ethics;
     • Assistance in ensuring compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations;
     • Assistance with queries, complaints and dispute resolution.
You may request to see all the personal data we hold on you (we are allowed 30 days to provide it).
We only keep your data for the reasons outlined above. We undertake to delete your personal data, or withhold it from publication, if you request us to do so in writing.

NCWC Disclosure of Personal Data to Other Third Parties: 
The NCWC may use service providers (web site/ISP/show printers) to help us provide you with our services. Personal data may be transferred to such service providers, who act for or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected or may otherwise be lawfully processed.

This may include:
     • Production of NCWC show/event catalogues;
     • Other NCWC publications.

          Such third parties have contracted with us as data processors under the requirements in the GDPR. They are contractually

          bound to only use personal data for the agreed purpose(s). Relevant persons working for these third parties will have access to

          your personal data under the terms of the data processor contract, but only to the extent necessary to perform their services for            NCWC.

NCWC Data Retention Policy: 
NCWC will only retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.
Personal data may be further processed and stored for archiving in the interests of statistical and historical purposes. When doing so, we will consider any link to the initial purpose, the context the data was collected in, the reasonable expectations of members, the nature of the data, the consequences of further processing and the existence of appropriate safeguards.
Old membership lists and other electronically held data may have some historical value and/or statistical value.

NCWC will consider how long is practically useful.
Contact Details: 
Please contact the NCWC Secretary if you have any questions or concerns about personal data and privacy matters.

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