Results June 2022 Open Show
Judge -John Thirlwell
Judge John Thirlwell
BD and BIS Palmik King Arthur JW
RBD Kierpark with or Without you
BPD Runaround Richochet
BVD Dark Wing
BB and RBIS Citycroft Starfall JW
RBB Bowdonia Colors of the Wind
BPB and BPIS Palmik Chasing Rainbows
BVB and BVIS Palmik Kandalama Dusk till DawnJW ShCEx
Dog Classes:
Veteran Dog 4:1
Dark Wing
Speymalt Northern Star JW
Ringmore Dalrymple
Minor Puppy Dog 1:1
Runaround Richochet
Puppy Dog 0:0​
Junior Dog 2:2
Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair
Denimblue Willdo
Yearling Dog 3:1
Palmik King arthur JW
Ryemeadows Midnight Sun
Maiden Dog 1:0
Veloxcanis solex valens
Novice Dog 1:1
Undergraduate Dog 4:1
Denimblue Willdo
Maidenbower Maserati
Demerlay on a Promise
Graduate Dog 3:0
Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair
Denimblue Willdo
Demerlay on a Promise
Postgraduate Dog 6:0
Demerlay Charming Charlie
Runnel run for Fun
Mithrandir Albatros
Bowdoni go the distance for Stalwart
Lolani moonshine over Manelli JW
Limit Dog 5:1
Kierpark With or Without you
Ranveli Beach boy at Scarletfair
Demerlay Charming Charlie
Maidenbower Maverick at Copperhawk
Open Dog 1:0
Collooney the big Tease
Bitch classes
Veteran Bitch 5:0
Palmik Kandalama dusk till dawn JWV ShCEx
Shoaling silver Sorrell
Citycroft my fair lady at Jasarat JW ShCm
Loroli lets do it with Dehoran
Runaround Operrettas
Minor Puppy Bitch 4:2
Palmik Chasing Rainbows
Chiendetom Fanfair
Puppy Bitch 4:2
Chiendetom Fanfair
Veredon Laurent Perrier
Junior Bitch 5:1
Ringmore Iona
Chiendetom Fanfair
Selinko Cherise
Sunwalkers Shine on my Sins
Yearling Bitch 2:0
Brochinbelle ooh la la at Bowdonia
Silkridge in a moment
Maiden Bitch 4:1
Selinko Honeysuckle
Chiendetom Fanfair
Sunwalkers Shine on my Sins
Novice Bitch 6:0
Silkridge Saffron
Ringmore Iona
Chiendetom Fanfair
Cyangrange our tiger Lily
Dapperdiva Double Whammy
Undergraduate Bitch 7:0
Silkridge Saffron
Cyangrange our tiger Lily
Loroli lifes a rollacoasta at Dehoran
Maidenbower Mercedes
Dapperdiva Double Whammy
Graduate Bitch 2:0
Palmik chasing Rainbows
Mulcair dun and dusted
Post Graduate Bitch 4:0
Jasarat Gin Fizz
Ringmore Galatea
Cyangrange Serendipi Tea
Limit Bitch 9:0
Bowdonia colors of the wind
Crosscop may be one more time at Mulcair JW
runaround Harmony
Chiendetom Overture
Zoraden Fifty Shades Darker JW
Open Bitch 9:0
Citycroft Starfall JW
Bryntriea whisper love at Palmik taf
Aarminias princes of china at Bowdonia
Cobyco could be the last time at Mulcair JW
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