Judge Julie Holland
My thanks to the Committee for the invitation to judge dogs and to those that entered under me. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. The show was run with such efficiency, it was a pleasure to be there. . Not a huge entry, but full of quality which caused me some difficult decisions. In the latter classes dogs left the ring cardless that were top class dogs I was looking for a masculine, yet elegant dog, that could move with ease, l found that in several dogs and certainly in my CC winner and BPD. Many thanks to my very able steward Alison who ran the ring single handed and kept me up to scratch. It was a pleasure to work with her. A few handlers were very nervous, please relax and enjoy your day, your dogs move so much better when you relax. It’s a dog show, enjoy it.
Veteran. 5.
1. Johnston Mrs H. Ch. Danluke Lord of the Dance J W. What a dog.I hadn’t seen him in the flesh – which went for the majority of the dogs. I don’t think I can say anything that hasn’t been said before. 9 years old and l am sure he is still getting better. He is so well put together and is a delight to go over. He moves so true and with such power yet keeps a long flowing stride. He is in tip top condition. RCC, BVD and with agreement with my co judge, BVIS.
2. Leathart Mrs V. Ringmore Dalrymple. 8 years. A pale fawn boy with a lovely head well set on an elegant neck and smoothly into well angulated shoulders. Good length and depth of chest with correct length of ribbing lead into a correctly angled rear. Good legs and feet. He was well muscled and moved out well.
3. Searle Miss N. Quicksilver He’s the one for Whipsearle. VW.
Minor Puppy. 6.
1. Morris, Waddell, Mycroft and Mitchell. Springfern Wild Thing at Crosscop. 8 months fawn puppy who handled his day out with maturity. Good head with strong underjaw, elegant neck into well laidback shoulders with a good return of forearm, good pasterns and tight feet. Good top line and curvy under line, has the correct depth of chest for his age. Well ribbed and good rear angulation which enabled him to move well round the ring.
2. Richards Mr and Mrs. Richclass From Here on Out. 7 months Pale fawn puppy, not as mature as 1. He has a lovely head with dark oval eyes, good neck and a correct top line. Well ribbed with good length. His angulation both front and rear is just as it should be. Moved well but not quite as accurately as 1. As he matures and tightens up l am sure that he will have a bright future.
3. Stuart Mrs. S. Hologem Moonlove.
Puppy 3.
1. McKinna Mrs A. Springfern Widgeon. 8 months Brindle/white parti. Placed 5th in previous class, he had settled and showed really well in this class. I see from my catalogue that he is litter brother to previous class winner. Of a smaller mould, he won this class on movement. He has a good head with fine, well set rose ears, a good neck and shoulders. He has good length and good angles. He just needs to settle more which l am sure will come with time.
2. Jenkinson and Elliott, Miss and Mr. Coppermow Harfang avec Elstoto. Lightly brindled fawn. 8 months old. He has a good head and neck, good shoulders and a good infill, nice length . He needs to drop a little in depth to give him a curvier underline. He has plenty of time at 8 months.
3. Price. Ms. Kierpark Moonlight Shadow among Silkdance.
Junior 8. 2a. 1 w/d
1. Morris, Waddell, Mycroft and Mitchell. Crosscop If I Can Dream. 11 months. A mature puppy who didn’t make things easy for his handlers. Masculine head, good neck and good angulation all round. He has good width across thigh and a well developed second thigh .He has a good top line which he kept on the move. In excellent tight coat and well muscled for his age, he impressed me with his movement, powerful but elegant with a low reaching fore and driving from behind. Very promising puppy. BPD and on the referees decision, BPIS.
2. Mycroft Miss and Sandhurst Mrs. Supetas Snap Crackle N Pop. 15 months paler fawn. Finer type than 1, He was unsettled on the table due to an incident at another show, eventually settled enough to go over him. He is a well constructed puppy, everything in the right place and won his place on movement. Well handled. I hope he gets over his fear on the table.
3. Parkes and McKay K and E. Jubrancy Spring Vacation.
Yearling. 4.
1. Dillon and Bailey. Collooney Eat My Shorts at Runforest. Brindle boy, a tad over size but oozes quality. Strong masculine head with a strong underjaw, an elegant neck flowing into excellent shoulders. He has bladed bone and good pasterns. He has a good deep chest with good in fill, well sprung ribs and a strong loin. Good rear angulation with good thighs completes a lovely picture . He moves so smoothly keeping his correct top line on the move. In excellent muscle tone. Strongly considered for top honours.
2. Mould, Mrs. Warden William. Blue brindle boy of smaller stance. Not far off my first place. Good head and neck, well angulated all round, he has a good top line which he kept on the move. he moves well. A dog with no exaggeration and everything just right. should do well in the future.
3. . Hywel Mr. Crosscop Rocket Man.
Maiden 1.
1. Parkes and McKay. Mrs K and Mrs E. Jubrancy Spring Vacation. 3rd in Junior. Fawn boy in top condition. Well muscled and looks like he could give rabbits some grief. Spot on for size, good head and neck, good length of body with good ribbing and strong loin, good low hocks which he used to good effect. True coming and going. . Nicely balanced dog.
Novice. 5,1a.
1. Birch Miss. Bethwill Time for a Change. Elegant pale fawn dog of good proportions. Good head and neck, he has a good front and good pasterns, a correct top line, good ribbing and his rear angulation is good with well let down hocks, Well developed thigh and second thigh.He moved with drive keeping his top line on the move.
2. Blenkarn Mrs A Penwincoed Major North. Blue Brindle. In his second class today, he was much more settled in this class as was his handler. Lovely size, he is correctly angulated and a well balanced dog. He moved well but hadn’t quite the reach of 1. I loved his overall moderation.
3. Parkinson Mrs C. Groomsville Dream of Me
Special Beginners. 8, 1a. 1 wd.
1. Searle and Rawlinason N and M. Refton Tibalt at Whipserle. Eyecatching Red Fawn boy. I loved his head, lean with a good underjaw, elegant neck and good shoulders. He has a deep chest with good infill, good legs and tight feet. Correct length of ribbing and good rear angulation he moved well keeping his top line on the move. Lovely tight coat which gleamed. He was well handled. With my co judges’ agreement, BSBIS.
2. Hywel Mr D. Crosscop Rocket Man. Fawn and white. Unsettled in an earlier class, he was far more settled and showed much better with his handler more relaxed in this class. He has a good head and neck, leading to a well angulated front with matching rear, a deep chest and good movement. Excellent width of thig and well developed first and second thigh enabled to move with purpose.
3. Parkinson Mrs .C. Groomsville Dream of Me.
Graduate Dog. 5 1 wd.
1. Dillon and Bailey M and L. Dreamjet Float my Boat at Runforest. White and fawn. Balanced dog with nothing exaggerated about him. A really masculine boy, he has everything as it should be and moved well with reach and drive which l would expect from his confirmation .A lovely balanced whippet. Well muscled and well handled.
2. Perkins Ms G. Z. Zeglynn Hello You. Good size with a good head and nicely angulated through out . Stands over a lot of ground. He. moved well as l would expect from his construction. He was true coming and going in good coat and condition.
3. Parkinson Mrs. C. Groomsville Dream of Me.
Post Graduate. 5.
1. Wayman Miss H. Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair. J. W. Pale fawn in super condition. Well muscled but not over done. He has a masculine head with a melting expression, good neck into well laid back shoulders. Correctly angulated front and rear with a deep well ribbed body. True coming and going and showing good profile movement.He moved with reach and drive keeping his topline throughout..
2. Morris, Waddell, McMillan and Irving. Crosscop My Boy. Fawn. Very close decision. The winner being more settled on the move. Most of the above comments apply to this boy. Nothing out of place and lots to like. Should have a good future. In excellent condition.
3. Perkins G Z. Southgrove Keep it Moving at Zeglynn.
Mid-imit. 9.
1. Perkins, Perkins & Van Der Schaaf. Crème Anglaise’s Just Julian. Brindle and white. Masculine from nose to tail, Good head with a soft, but alert expression, he is a well constructed dog in excellent muscle tone. His top line is spot on ,correct rise over his loin and a good underline to match. stood on excellent legs with good tight feet .Low hocks which he used to good effect. Moved really well and was well handled to get the best out of him. Strongly considered for top honours.
2. Parkes and McKay Mrs K and Mrs. E. Crosscop Born to Move for Jubrancy. Blue Brindle. Quality boy who was close to winner. Good head and neck, very good front, good length with a sweeping top and under line. He has gentle rise over the loin which he kept on the move. Unlucky to meet 1 today.
3. Dargue and Halliday. J L and A. Brochinbelle Wee Dancer with Jalwhipp J.W.
Limit. 9. 1a.
1. Bell. J. Aarminias Change the Game at Drumburn. Brindle. Good for size and a well balanced dog. Good head and neck, he has correct front and rear angulation, a good deep chest with well sprung ribs and good infill. A good length of ribbing and a strong loin completed him. In excellent coat and condition. He moved well, powerfully but smoothly round the ring with reach and drive. He was true coming and going. A lot to like.
2. Varnam and Parker S L and S J. Supeta’s Mojito for Aylros. Classic fawn boy, he is very masculine dog but without any coarseness. close up to 1st. Good angulation all round, he has a good top line which he kept at all times.He moved out well and it was a close decision between 1 and 2. He was in gleaming coat and condition.
3. Tyson. Mr C and Mrs L. Starceylon Summer Bran.
Open. 10, 2a.
What a class, full of quality. The hardest class of the day.
1. Fryer Mr M and Mrs K. Ch. Collooney Eye Love to Tease at Stonefox. Brindle white trim. He took my eye on my initial look at the class and he didn’t disappoint me. I loved his masculine head, melting eyes, long elegant neck into the best of shoulders. He has correct bladed bone and tight feet. well ribbed with good length and a strong loin. His rear construction is as good as his front, he has a good rise over the loin and a sweeping top line and underline. Well handled, he moved with such a long easy stride, powering round the ring. He was everything l look for in a male. CC and on the referees decision BIS.
2. Myers and Pilkington. Mrs C G and Miss B. Supeta’s Show and Tell Astrazone. Fawn brindle and white . I judged this boy as a puppy and really liked him then. He has matured well. Good head with a strong under jaw, long neck into good shoulders. Well angulated all round. Good depth and spring of ribs. Nothing exaggerated about him. Well balanced dog who moved well. Well handled to get the best from him. Could carry a little less weight.
3. Johnston and Wilson, Mrs H. Mr L. and Mr. J. Ch. Aarminias Dragon Lord of Danluke.
Special open (Blue/Black) no entries